Make money using ur (super old) computer. Balance money making and computer temp. Fastest to earn $200 wins. Do it in less than 2 minutes to unlock secret ending ðŸ’–

Post ur fastest times here k thanks.

NOTE: If the web thingy is slow, please consider downloading thanks.


>Your goal is to make $200 by typing.

> DO NOT go over 100* C

> Popups pop up when you start to overheat which happen over time and every time you type (excluding when buying).

>Popups happen generally above 50, 70, and 80 C. TIP: You can save money by intentionally letting your computer overheat, popup events have a 5 second cooldown

>You can type "1"  (or click the up button) to upgrade income per word. 

>You can type "2" (or click the snowflake button) to chill down. Note that the amount cooled is proportional to the temperature.


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click me


CREDITS.txt 323 bytes
Money Maker OS.exe 67 MB


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wow, a really well-executed idea. well polished game. I had fun playing it